Atlanta Creator, Photographer, Videographer

Finding Art In Everything | Matthew Alexander's Blog | Music, Photography, Travel & More

Finding Art In Everything is a blog full of travels, good music, new work, and finding the everyday reminders that we are human and that life is beautiful.

Making a Wedding Mood Board on Pinterest

Today, one of the most useful tools you can use for wedding planning is one that didn’t even exist 15 years ago. That’s right, we’re talking about Pinterest, something that - if you’ve already started thinking about planning your wedding - you’re probably pretty familiar with. With its ability to conveniently search and display a huge quantity of images as well as help you save and organize them in a way that’s logical to you, Pinterest has basically become a staple of wedding planning.

In fact, you may even find that the different vendors you end up working with for your wedding, like your hair and makeup artists, your photographer, and your decorator, will ask you to share a wedding Pinterest board with them so they can get an idea of what you’re looking for. So to help you make the most out of this super powerful tool, here are some quick tips for to how to fill your Pinterest moodboard for wedding.


Create Different Sections and/or Boards

There are a lot of different aspects of a wedding to plan and take inspiration for, so in order to stay as organized as possible, it’s a great idea to split up your wedding board into multiple sections using Pinterest’s Sections feature. Or, if you prefer, you can create different boards for the different categories. But this way, you won’t lose some of your floral inspiration among a bunch of wedding dress pins.


Note What You Like

Chances are you’ll be using your wedding Pinterest boards for months, and it can be easy to forget why you pinned something in the first place when you look back on it later. So in order to help yourself remember, it’s a good idea to use Pinterest’s description box feature to note what it is about the pin that you were inspired by.

Take Pinterest’s Suggestions

One of the best parts of Pinterest is its algorithm which analyzes what you’ve pinned and suggests other, similar pins. Sometimes, this can be one of the best sources of finding new images you’ll like rather than just typing in search terms. So go ahead and peruse those related images that come up when you scroll down from a pin, or the “More Ideas” section at the top of one of your boards.

Get Inspired

Once you’ve started doing some preliminary pinning, a great idea is to see if you can find somebody else’s wedding inspirations boards that have pinned the same things as you. Then you can browse those for Pinterest board ideas, as you’ll already know you have similar taste.

Share It Freely

Your well-curated Pinterest boards aren’t just a way for you to organize your own thoughts; they’re also an incredibly valuable resource that is essentially a document of the direction you want to go in for your wedding.

So don’t keep it to yourself! Send it to your wedding photographer, cake baker, florist, caterer - and most importantly, your wedding planner, so they can use it to help you achieve the wedding of your dreams!

A lot of my clients will send me wedding and graduation galleries to help give me ideas for